alias demos1 "record 1; bind ... demos2; developer 1; echo recording demo 1;
developer 0"
alias demos2 "record 2; bind ... demos3; developer 1; echo recording demo 2;
developer 0"
alias demos2 "record 3; bind ... demos4; developer 1; echo recording demo 3;
developer 0"
alias demos4 "record 4; bind ... demos5; developer 1; echo recording demo 4;
developer 0"
alias demos5 "record 5; bind ... demos6; developer 1; echo recording demo 5;
developer 0"
alias demos6 "record 6; bind ... demos7; developer 1; echo recording demo 6;
developer 0"
alias demos7 "record 7; bind ... demos8; developer 1; echo recording demo 7;
developer 0"
alias demos8 "record 8; bind ... demos9; developer 1; echo recording demo 8;
developer 0"
alias demos9 "record 9; bind ... demos10; developer 1; echo recording demo 9;
developer 0"
alias demos10 "record 10; bind ... demos11; developer 1; echo recording demo 10;
developer 0"
alias demos11 "record 11; bind ... demos12; developer 1; echo recording demo 11;
developer 0"
alias demos12 "record 14; bind ... demos13; developer 1; echo recording demo 12;
developer 0"
alias demos13 "record 13; bind ... demos14; developer 1; echo recording demo 13;
developer 0"
alias demos14 "record 14; bind ... demos15; developer 1; echo recording demo 14;
developer 0"
alias demos15 "record 15; bind ... demos16; developer 1; echo recording demo 15;
developer 0"
alias demos16 "record 16; bind ... demos17; developer 1; echo recording demo 16;
developer 0"
alias demos17 "record 17; bind ... demos18; developer 1; echo recording demo 17;
developer 0"
alias demos18 "record 18; bind ... demos19; developer 1; echo recording demo 18;
developer 0"
alias demos19 "record 19; bind ... demos20; developer 1; echo recording demo 19;
developer 0"
alias demos20 "record 20; bind ... demos1; developer 1; echo recording demo 20;
developer 0"
bind "/" "demos1"
alias mic "mikeon"
alias mikeon "voice_inputfromfile 1;+voicerecord; alias mic mikeoff"
alias mikeoff "voice_inputfromfile 0;-voicerecord ;alias mic mikeon";
bind "capslock" "mic"
alias extoggle2 exon
alias exon "voice_inputfromfile 1; voice_loopback 1; +voicerecord; alias extoggle2 exoff"
alias exoff "-voicerecord; voice_inputfromfile 0; voice_loopback 0; alias extoggle2 exon"
bind "f9" "extoggle2"
alias +111 "+attack2;cl_weather 1;fastsprites 101"
alias -111 "-attack2;cl_weather 0;fastsprites 0"
alias +k "-mlook;wait;+attack2"
alias -k "+mlook;wait;-attack2"
alias "-duckattack" "-duck;-attack2"
bind "e" "+duckattack"
alias +cbhop "alias _special @cbhop;@cbhop"
alias -cbhop "alias _special"
alias @cbhop "special;wait; +duck; wait; -duck;
bind "z" "+hook"
bind "x" "+grab"
bind "ctrl" "+dd"
alias "+dd" "+duck;wait;-duck;wait;+duck;-duck;wait;+duck"
alias "-dd" "-duck"
alias +shot1 "+attack;+lookdown"
alias -shot1 "-attack;-lookdown"
bind mouse1 +shot1
cl_pitchspeed 4
alias "+180knife-fire" "cl_yawspeed 7199;+left;wait;+attack2;-left;+right;wait;-right;cl_yawspeed 210"
alias "-180knife-fire" "-attack2"
//bind "mouse2" "+180knife-fire"
alias +180back-fire "+attack2;cl_yawspeed 13000;+left;wait;wait;-left;+forward;cl_yawspeed 210"
alias -180back-fire "-forward;cl_yawspeed 13000;+left;wait;wait;-left;cl_yawspeed 210;-attack2"
//bind "mouse2" "+180back-fire"
alias +shot "+attack;fps_max 50;wait;wait;fps_max 101;wait;+lookdown;+lookdown;cl_pitchspeed 0"
alias -shot "-lookdown;-lookdown;cl_pitchspeed 100;-attack"
bind "mouse1" "+shot"
//Double duck
bind "ctrl" "+dd"
alias "+dd" "+duck;wait;-duck;wait;+duck"
alias "-dd" "-duck"
alias +knifehead "-mlook;wait;+attack;v_centerspeed 9999;Lookspring 1"
alias -knifehead "+mlook;wait;-attack;v_centerspeed 9999;Lookspring 1"
// Shooting
//; alias +un.head1 "-mlook;wait;+mlook;+attack2"
//; alias -un.head1 "-attack2"
//; alias un.head1_1 "bind mouse2 +un.head1;spk activated"
alias 4iter "+back;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;+attack ;wait;+jump;+duck;wait;-jump;-duck;-attack;-back"
alias +knife "-forward;+back;+attack;+duck;-duck"
alias -knife "-back;-attack"
//bind "k" "+knife"
alias +kifir "cl_weather 1;fastsprites 1;developer 1;fps_max 1000;+attack;+duck;w3;-duck"
alias -kifir "-attack;cl_weather 0;fastsprites 0;developer 0;fps_max 100"
bind e +kifir
alias yxx "rate 21365; cl_updaterate 501; ex_extrapmax 1;cl_cmdrate 1001;cl_resend 3;cl_cmdbackup 0;cl_dlmax 128;ex_interp 0;cl_allowdownload 1;cl_allowupload 1;cl_download_ingame 1;hpk_maxsize 0.1;brightness 10;developer 1;cl_forwardspeed 9999;cl_backspeed 9999;cl_sidespeed 9999;cl_bob 0.02;cl_bobup 5;cl_lc 0;sv_aim 0.0001;fps_max 401;sv_wateraccelerate 10;violence_hblood 1;violence_ablood 1;violence_agibs 1;violence_hgibs 1;cl_autowepswitch 1;hud_centerid 1;cl_fastswitch 1;sys_ticrate 180;cl_showfps 1"
bind F12 "yxx"
alias +www "+attack2;developer 1;fps_max 1000"
alias -www "-attack2;developer 0;fps_max 100"
bind mouse2 +www
alias +climb "+duck;wait;-duck;wait;+duck;wait;-duck;wait;+duck;wait"
alias -climb "-duck"
bind "MWHEELUP" "+climb"
alias +jd "+jump;wait;+duck"
alias -jd "-jump;wait;-duck"
"+back;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;+attack ;wait;+jump;+duck;wait;-jump;-duck;-attack;-back"
alias +knife "-forward;+back;+attack;+duck;-duck"
alias -knife "-back;-attack"
bind "+knife"
alias "+knf" "slot3;w;+attack"
alias "-knf" "-attack;w;lastinv"
alias +knif "+attack2;wait;wait;wait;-attack2;+attack;wait;wait;wait;-attack;+attack;wait;wait;wait;-attack;+attack2
alias -knif "-attack2;-attack"
alias nog "bind mouse2 +knif"
alias nog2 "bind mouse2 +attack2"
//; alias +un.head1 "-mlook;wait;+mlook;+attack"
//; alias -un.head1 "-attack"
//; alias un.head1_1 +un.head1;spk activ
alias sprung1 "alias _special sprung; sprung; alias sprungx sprung0"
alias sprung0 "alias _special; alias sprungx sprung1"
alias sprung "hax; wait; special"
alias hax "hax1"
alias hax1 "+jump;wait;-jump;alias hax hax2"
alias hax2 "+jump;wait;-jump;alias hax hax1"
alias +sprung "sprung1"
alias -sprung "sprung0"
bind "ALT" "+sprung"
alias hlss-START "voice_inputfromfile 1; voice_loopback 1; +voicerecord; alias ToggleWAV hlss-STOP"
alias hlss-STOP "voice_inputfromfile 0; voice_loopback 0; -voicerecord; alias ToggleWAV hlss-START"
alias ToggleWAV "hlss-START"
voice_fadeouttime 0
bind "ins" "hlss-START"
[19:29:28] Lolpocs: alias "extoggle" "exon"
alias "exon" "voice_inputfromfile 1;voice_loopback 1;+voicerecord;alias extoggle exoff"
alias "exoff" "-voicerecord;voice_inputfromfile 0;voice_loopback 0;alias extoggle exon"
bind "CAPSLOCK" "extoggle"[19:27:41] Lolpocs: alias hlss-START "voice_inputfromfile 1; voice_loopback 1; +voicerecord; alias ToggleWAV hlss-STOP"
alias hlss-STOP "voice_inputfromfile 0; voice_loopback 0; -voicerecord; alias ToggleWAV hlss-START"
alias ToggleWAV "hlss-START"
voice_fadeouttime 0
bind "v" "hlss-START"[4:52:03] Lolpocs: alias hlss-START "voice_inputfromfile 1; voice_loopback 1; +voicerecord; alias ToggleWAV hlss-STOP"
alias hlss-STOP "voice_inputfromfile 0; voice_loopback 0; -voicerecord; alias ToggleWAV hlss-START"
alias ToggleWAV "hlss-START"
voice_fadeouttime 0
bind "v" "hlss-START"[4:52:03] Lolpocs: alias hlss-START "voice_inputfromfile 1; voice_loopback 1; +voicerecord; alias ToggleWAV hlss-STOP"
alias hlss-STOP "voice_inputfromfile 0; voice_loopback 0; -voicerecord; alias ToggleWAV hlss-START"
alias ToggleWAV "hlss-START"
voice_fadeouttime 0
bind "v" "hlss-START"[15:43:30] [MiNiMaL]:
alias +djump "+jump; +duck; w"
alias -djump "-jump; -duck"
============bHoP be3 dd
alias +cbhop "alias _special @cbhop;@cbhop"
alias -cbhop "alias _special"
alias @cbhop "special;wait;+jump; +duck; wait; -duck; -jump"
bind "t" "+cbhop"
================big jump
alias +cjump "+jump; +duck"
alias -cjump "-jump; -duck"
bind "SPACE" "+cjump"IDST
bind "ctrl" "+dd"
alias "+dd" "+duck;wait;-duck;wait;+duck"
alias "-dd" "-duck";
/// Bhop;
alias +jmp "alias _special m;m"
alias -jmp "alias _special;-jump"
alias m "+jump; wait; -jump; wait; special"
bind "MWHEELUP" "+jmp";
// Auto Bhop;
alias +bhop "alias _special jump;jump"
alias -bhop "alias _special"
alias jump "+jump; wait; -jump; wait; special"
bind "SPACE" "+bhop";
...Быстрый даблдак...
bind "q" "+dd"
alias "+dd" "+duck;wait;-duck;wait;+duck"
alias "-dd" "-duck"
// Spin script;[14:13:15] Moisey: // Duble Duck;
bind "ctrl" "+dd"
alias "+dd" "+duck;wait;-duck;wait;+duck"
alias "-dd" "-duck";
/// Bhop;
alias +jmp "alias _special m;m"
alias -jmp "alias _special;-jump"
alias m "+jump; wait; -jump; wait; special"
bind "MWHEELUP" "+jmp";
// Auto Bhop;
alias +bhop "alias _special jump;jump"
alias -bhop "alias _special"
alias jump "+jump; wait; -jump; wait; special"
bind "SPACE" "+bhop";
cl_yawspeed "1000000000000"
alias wait5 "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait"
alias wait10 "wait5; wait5"
alias wait20 "wait10; wait10"
alias wait40 "wait20; wait20"
//---- [999 fps npu ygape] ----\\
alias +www "+attack2;developer 1;fps_max 1000"
alias -www "-attack2;developer 0;fps_max 100"
bind MOUSE2 "+www"
// 180 *C;
alias "fb_stop" "fps_max 10;cl_yawspeed 7199;wait;+left;wait;-left;wait;fps_max 140;cl_yawspeed 210"
bind "o" "fb_stop"
// Creasy Woo CountJump Script v.1.0
// Created By: Creasy Woo
// Just for fun!
// Total Jump Length: 273.4xxxxx
// | Prestrafe speed: 277.4xxxxx units/s | Topspeed: 362.xxxxx units/s | Strafes: 8 | Sync: 89 |
// Wait aliases
alias wait1 "wait"[14:13:15] Moisey: // Duble Duck;
bind "ctrl" "+dd"
alias "+dd" "+duck;wait;-duck;wait;+duck"
alias "-dd" "-duck";
/// Bhop;
alias +jmp "alias _special m;m"
alias -jmp "alias _special;-jump"
alias m "+jump; wait; -jump; wait; special"
bind "MWHEELUP" "+jmp";
// Auto Bhop;
alias +bhop "alias _special jump;jump"
alias -bhop "alias _special"
alias jump "+jump; wait; -jump; wait; special"
bind "SPACE" "+bhop";[14:12:24] Moisey: // DD-run
alias yaw2 "cl_yawspeed -1357"
alias yaw1 "cl_yawspeed 357"
alias MR "+right;+moveright"
alias ML "+left;+moveleft"
alias RMR "-right;-moveright"
alias RML "-left;-moveleft"
alias dd "+duck;wait;-duck"
alias rrr "yaw2; MR; wait; yaw1; wait ;RMR"
alias lll "yaw2; ML; wait; yaw1; wait ;RML"
alias gstr_str "rrr;lll;rrr;lll;rrr;lll;rrr;lll;rrr;lll"
alias gstr "dd;gstr_str;wait"
alias +gstrafe "alias _special @gstrafe;@gstrafe"
alias -gstrafe "alias _special"
alias @gstrafe "special;gstr"
alias wait2 "wait; wait"
alias wait3 "wait2; wait1"
alias wait4 "wait2; wait2"
alias wait5 "wait2; wait3"
alias wait6 "wait3; wait3"
alias wait7 "wait3; wait4"
alias wait8 "wait4; wait4"
alias wait9 "wait4; wait5"
alias wait10 "wait5; wait5"
alias forwardwait "wait10; wait10; wait10"
alias prestrafewait1 "wait10; wait10; wait10; wait2"
alias prestrafewait2 "wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10; wait2"
alias duckwait "wait10; wait10; wait10; wait10"
// Prestrafe
alias countstrafe "-right; +duck; wait1; -duck; +right; cl_yawspeed 2800; wait1; cl_yawspeed 510; wait10; wait1; cl_yawspeed 480; wait9; -right"
alias prestrafe "cl_yawspeed 91; +forward; forwardwait; +moveright; +right; prestrafewait1; cl_yawspeed 119; prestrafewait2; -forward; countstrafe"
// Strafes (7)
alias ML "+moveleft; +left"
alias RML "-left; -moveleft"
alias MR "+moveright; +right"
alias RMR "-right; -moveright"
alias singleStrafe1 "cl_yawspeed -210; wait2; cl_yawspeed 450; wait7; cl_yawspeed 670; wait1"
alias singleStrafe2 "cl_yawspeed -130; wait2; cl_yawspeed 448; wait7; cl_yawspeed 670; wait1"
alias singleStrafe3 "cl_yawspeed -120; wait2; cl_yawspeed 445; wait6; cl_yawspeed 660; wait1"
alias singleStrafe4 "cl_yawspeed -130; wait2; cl_yawspeed 405; wait5; cl_yawspeed 640; wait1"
alias singleStrafe5 "cl_yawspeed -130; wait2; cl_yawspeed 402; wait5; cl_yawspeed 620; wait1"
alias singleStrafe6 "cl_yawspeed -90; wait2; cl_yawspeed 400; wait4; cl_yawspeed 400; wait1"
alias singleStrafe7 "cl_yawspeed -180; wait2; cl_yawspeed 390; wait1"
// First strafe
alias firstStrafe "+right; cl_yawspeed 730; wait1; cl_yawspeed 480; wait1; cl_yawspeed 450; wait8; RMR"
// Seperate strafe
alias leftstrafe1 "ML; singleStrafe1; RML"
alias rightstrafe1 "MR; singleStrafe2; RMR"
alias leftstrafe2 "ML; singleStrafe3; RML"
alias rightstrafe2 "MR; singleStrafe4; RMR"
alias leftstrafe3 "ML; singleStrafe5; RML"
alias rightstrafe3 "MR; singleStrafe6; RMR"
alias leftstrafe4 "ML; singleStrafe7; RML"
// Air strafe
alias doStrafe "firstStrafe; leftstrafe1; rightstrafe1; leftstrafe2; rightstrafe2; leftstrafe3; rightstrafe3; leftstrafe4"
// Total Lj Command
alias owned "prestrafe; +jump; wait; -jump; doStrafe; +duck; duckwait; -duck"
alias 4iter "+back;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;+attack ;wait;+jump;+duck;wait;-jump;-duck;-attack;-back"
alias +knife "-forward;+back;+attack;+duck;-duck"
alias -knife "-back;-attack"
bind c "+knife"
alias +head1 "-mlook;wait;+attack"
alias -head1 "-attack;;+mlook"
alias head1 "bind mouse1 +head1"
alias +knif "+attack2;wait;wait;wait;-attack2;+attack;wait;wait;wait;-attack;+attack;wait;wait;wait;-attack;+attack2
alias -knif "-attack2;-attack"
alias nog "bind mouse2 +knif"
alias nog2 "bind mouse2 +attack2"
alias +oo "alias _special 4;4"
alias -oo "alias _special;-jump"
alias 4 "+jump; wait; -jump; wait; special"
// Shooting Left;
alias +un.head1 "-mlook;wait;+mlook;+attack"
alias -un.head1 "-attack"
alias un.head1_1 "bind mouse1 +un.head1;spk activated"
alias +www "+attack2;developer 1;fps_max 1000"
alias -www "-attack2;developer 0;fps_max 100"
bind MOUSE2 "+www"
alias +2 "alias _special @2;@2"
alias -2 "alias _special"
alias @2 "special;wait;impulse 100;wait;impulse 100;"
bind "f" "+2"// This file is overwritten whenever you change your user settings in the game.
// Add custom configurations to the file "userconfig.cfg".
alias -quicksilencer "-attack2; weapon_knife; wait; wait; lastinv" bind "mouse1" "+quicksilencer" Двойной зум (приближение на снайперке) // Double Zoom by alias zooms "+attack2; wait; wait; wait; -attack2"
alias m_pitch r_drawviewmodel 0
bind "KP_INS" "ToggleWAV"
alias StartWAV "voice_inputfromfile 1; voice_loopback 1; +voicerecord; alias ToggleWAV StopWAV"
alias StopWAV "voice_inputfromfile 0; voice_loopback 0; -voicerecord; alias ToggleWAV StartWAV"
alias ToggleWAV "StartWAV"
bind "с" "+grabent
bind "\" "amx_csay green |HanaDaTb no 1|B cnuHy He 6uTb|He napoBo3uTb|He nodnuPaTb|AFK B nocJIeDH}0}0 o4epeDb|peklama OFF|maT OFF|!!!!!!"
bind "F3" amxmodmenu
bind "f"
bind "o" "alias m_pitch r_drawviewmodel 0"
bind ";" adminmenu
bind "c" "+voicerecord"
bind "*" "amx_bac"
bind "TAB" "+showscores"
bind "ENTER" "+attack"
bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "CTRL" "+duck"
bind "'" "+moveup"
bind "+" "sizeup"
bind "-" "amxmodmenu"
bind "0" "slot10"
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "5" "slot5"
bind "6" "slot6"
bind "7" "slot7"
bind "8" "slot8"
bind "9" "slot9"
bind "=" "sizeup"
bind "]" "timeleft"
bind "'" " say "
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "b" "buy"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "f" "impulse 100"
bind "g" "drop"
bind "h" "+commandmenu"
bind "o" "amx_weaponmenu"
bind "i" "esp_toggle"
bind "j" "war3menu"
bind "q" "+voicerecord"
bind "l" "shopmenu2"
bind "m" "chooseteam"
bind "c" "+use"
bind "p" "alias m_pitch r_drawviewmodel 1"
bind "r" "+reload"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "t" "weapon_hegrenade; weapon_flashbang"
bind "u" "messagemode2"
bind "f" "+hook"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "y" "messagemode"
bind "~" "toggleconsole"
bind "UPARROW" "+forward"
bind "DOWNARROW" "+back"
bind "LEFTARROW" "+left"
bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right"
bind "ALT" "+grab"
bind "CTRL" "+duck"
bind "SHIFT" "+speed"
bind "f7" ""
bind "F10" "amxmodmenu"
bind "F12" "snapshot"
bind "INS" "cheatsoff"
bind "DEL" "cheatsoff"
bind "PGDN" "exec 3.cfg"
bind "PGUP" "exec 2.cfg"
bind "HOME" "cheatsoff"
bind "END" "cheatsoff"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "jump"
bind "MWHEELUP" "+duck"
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
bind "PGDN" "+lookdown"
bind "PGUP" "+lookup"
bind "END" "centerview"
bind "KP_HOME" "slot7"
bind "[" "amx_bac"
bind "KP_UPARROW" "slot8"
bind "KP_PGUP" "slot9"
bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "slot4"
bind "KP_5" "slot5"
bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "slot6"
bind "KP_END" "slot1"
bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "slot2"
bind "KP_PGDN" "slot3"
bind "KP_ENTER" "buyammo1"
bind "KP_INS" "buyequip"
bind "KP_DEL" "buyammo2"
bind "KP_PLUS" "buy"
bind "f10" "amxmodmenu"
bind "MWHEELUP" "+duck"
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
bind "PAUSE" "pause"
name "^kn1fe"
volume "1"
console "1.000000"
hideradar 1
fps_max "200"
fps_modem "000"
crosshair "1.000000"
gamma "5.000000"
brightness "5.000000"
con_color "50 250 250"
net_graph "0"
net_scale "1"
net_graphpos "1"
sv_voiceenable "0"
sv_aim "0"
hpk_maxsize "0"
viewsize "120.000000"
ati_subdiv "2.0"
ati_npatch "1.0"
r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0"
r_drawviewmodel "0"
mp_decals "1.000000"
gl_dither "1"
gl_polyoffset "0.1"
gl_overbright "0.000000"
gl_flipmatrix "0"
gl_monolights "0"
gl_picmip 0
gl_max_size 512
s_rolloff "1.0"
s_doppler "0.0"
s_distance "60"
s_automin_distance "2.0"
s_automax_distance "30.0"
s_min_distance "8.0"
s_max_distance "1000.0"
s_leafnum "0"
s_refgain "0.4"
s_refdelay "4"
s_polykeep "1000000000"
s_polysize "10000000"
s_numpolys "200"
s_bloat "2.0"
s_verbwet "0.25"
s_a3d "0.000000"
s_eax "0.000000"
volume "1"
suitvolume "1"
hisound "1.000000"
bgmvolume "1.000000"
MP3Volume "0.800000"
_snd_mixahead "0.1"
team ""
model "gordon"
skin ""
topcolor "67"
bottomcolor "7"
rate "25000.000000"
cl_updatarate 501
ex_interp 0.0123456723456734567
ex_maxerrordistance "0"
cl_updaterate 600
cl_lw "1"
cl_lc "0"
cl_dlmax "128"
cl_himodels "0.000000"
cl_idealpitchscale "0.8"
cl_timeout "35"
cl_cmdbackup "2"
cl_download_ingame "1"
cl_allowdownload "1"
cl_allowupload "1"
cl_cmdrate "101"
lookstrafe "0.000000"
lookspring "0.000000"
cl_forwardspeed "400"
cl_backspeed "400"
cl_vsmoothing "0.05"
m_pitch "0.022"
m_yaw ".017"
m_forward "1"
m_side "0.8"
m_filter "1.000000"
sensitivity "20"
zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.2"
joystick "0.000000"
hud_takesshots "0"
fastsprites "0"
cl_corpsestay "0.000000"
_cl_autowepswitch "0"
hud_capturemouse "1"
hud_draw "1"
cl_righthand "1"
cl_minmodels "0"
cl_dynamiccrosshair "0"
hud_fastswitch "1"
hud_centerid "1"
voice_modenable "1.000000"
hud_classautokill "1"
setinfo "_ah" "0"
setinfo "friends" "0"
setinfo "dm" "1"
setinfo "ah" "1"
setinfo "ghosts" "0"
setinfo "cl_lb" "0.0"
setinfo "righthand" "0"
setinfo "vgui_menus" "0"
setinfo "vgui_menu" "0"
setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0"
setinfo _pw ""
bind [ "shopmenu"
bind ] "shopmenu2"
alias +jj "alias _special 4;4"
alias -jj "alias _special;-jump"
alias 4 "+jump; wait; -jump; wait; special
alias +knife "-forward;+back;+attack;+duck;-duck"
alias -knife "-back;-attack"
bind mouse3 "+knife"
//Double duck
bind "ctrl" "+dd"
alias "+dd" "+duck;wait;-duck;wait;+duck"
alias "-dd" "-duck"
alias 180.on "fps_max 20;fps_modem 20;cl_yawspeed 7200;wait;+left;wait;-left;wait;fps_max 100;fps_modem 100;cl_yawspeed 210"
alias "unbind q"
// Duck+Jump
alias "+Djump" "+jump;+duck"
alias "-Djump" "-jump;-duck"
bind "e" "+Djump"
// Duck+Jump
alias "+Djump" "+jump;+duck"
alias "-Djump" "-jump;-duck"
bind "mouse4" "+Djump"
alias +bhop "alias _special hkhop; hkhop";
alias -bhop "alias _special slot10";
alias hkhop "+jump;wait;-jump;wait;special";
bind space "+bhop"
bind "f" "+2"
alias +2 "alias _special @2;@2"
alias -2 "alias _special"
alias @2 "special;wait;impulse 100;wait;impulse 100;"
//------------ Strange Bhop -------------------//
alias +cbhop "alias _special @cbhop;@cbhop"
alias -cbhop "alias _special"
alias @cbhop "special;wait; +duck; wait; -duck;
bind "q" "+cbhop"
// Multi-Strafe
alias strafe.qA2_4 "+left; +moveleft; wait10; -moveleft; -left; strafe.qA2_right; strafe.qA2_left; +right; +moveright; wait10; -moveright; -right; wait40;
alias strafe.qA2_left "+left; +moveleft; wait20; -moveleft; -left"
alias strafe.qA2_right "+right; +moveright; wait20; -moveright; -right"
// Pre-Strafe
alias s.qA2_pre " wait40; cl_yawspeed 105; +left; +moveleft; wait40; wait20; -moveleft; -left; cl_yawspeed 210"
alias run_qA2.LJ4 " strafe.qA2_4"
alias pre_qA2.LJ4 "s.qA2_pre; _jump.qA2; strafe.qA2_4"
// Edit Here
alias "+1pt" "+attack;wait;+attack;wait+attack"
alias "-1pt" "-attack"
alias "_1pt" "bind mouse1 +ddd"
alias +head1 "-mlook;wait;+attack"
alias -head1 "-attack;;+mlook"
alias head1 "bind mouse1 +head1"
alias +cbhop "alias _special @cbhop;@cbhop"
alias -cbhop "alias _special"
alias @cbhop "special;wait;+jump; +duck; wait; -duck; -jump"
bind "t" "+cbhop"
alias "+autopt" "+attack"
alias "-autopt" "-attack"
alias "autopt" "bind mouse1 +autopt"
alias +knife "-forward;+back;+attack;+duck;-duck"
alias -knife "-back;-attack"
bind "+knife"
bind "F6" "cl_lw 0; cl_lc 0; cl_righthand 1; cl_bob 0; cl_bobcycle 0; cl_bobup 0; cl_cmdbackup 0; cl_cmdrate 9999999; cl_updaterate 501; ex_interp 0.0000001234567894;"
alias +aj "alias tog2 ajf;alias sp1;alias _special af;af" ///
alias -aj "alias tog2;sp2;alias sp1 sp0;-ssay" ///
alias ajf+ "+ssay;alias ajf ajf-" ///
alias ajf- "-ssay;alias ajf ajf+" ///
alias ajf "ajf+" ///
alias sp1 "sp0" ///
alias sp2 "sp0" ///
alias sp0 "alias _special" ///
alias af "tog1;tog2;wait;special" ///
alias tog1 ///
alias tog2
alias +gag "+moveleft;wait;+left;cl_yawspeed 2000;+oo"
alias -gag "-moveleft;wait;-left;-oo"
bind "" "+gag"
alias +ss_left "+attack; +moveleft; alias +strafeshoot +ss_right"
alias +ss_right "+attack; +moveright; alias +strafeshoot +ss_left"
alias +strafeshoot "+ss_left"
alias -strafeshoot "-attack; -moveleft; -moveright"
bind "F6" "rate 250000000; cl_rate 999999999; cl_updaterate 501; cl_cmdrate 750; cl_resend 2.5; ex_interp 0.0000001; cl_cmdbackup 1; cl_fixtimerate 7.5; cl_bob 0; cl_bobcycle 0.8; cl_bobup 0;cl_sidespeed 999; cl_backspeed 999; cl_forwardspeed 999; fps_max 101"
cl_updatarate 501
net_graph 1
// Mouse settings \\
sensitivity "3.0"
m_pitch "0.022"
m_yaw "0.022"
m_forward "1"
m_side "0.8"
m_filter "0.000000"
zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.4"
// Video settings \\
gamma "3.0"
brightness "3.0"
fastsprites "0"
r_shadows "0"
r_decals "0"
r_drawviewmodel "0"
r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0"
r_drawentities "1"
r_dynamic "1"
r_mmx "0"
r_lightmap "0"
r_norefresh "0"
r_speeds "0"
gl_picmip "0"
gl_playermip "0"
gl_spriteblend "1"
gl_nobind "0"
gl_alphamin "1"
gl_dither "1"
gl_cull "1"
gl_polyoffset "4"
gl_overbright "1"
gl_flipmatrix "0"
gl_monolights "1"
gl_alphamin "0.25"
gl_max_size "512"
gl_round_down "3"
gl_wateramp "0"
gl_zmax "4096"
gl_ztrick "0"
gl_keeptjunctions "1"
ati_subdiv "2.0"
ati_npatch "1.0"
violence_ablood "0"
violence_agibs "0"
violence_hblood "0"
violence_hgibs "0"
lightgamma "2.5"
d_spriteskip "0"
vid_d3d "0"
hpk_maxsize "0"
viewsize "110.000000"
max_shells "0"
max_smokepuffs "0"
alias rat1 "rate 9000"
alias uprat1 "cl_updaterate 30"
alias int1 "ex_interp 0"
alias nastroi1 "rat1; uprat1; int1"
alias rat2 "rate 9000"
alias uprat2 "cl_updaterate 1000"
alias int2 "ex_interp 0"
alias nastroi2 "rat2; uprat2; int2"
alias rat3 "rate 9000"
alias uprat3 "cl_updaterate 450"
alias int3 "ex_interp 0.0025"
alias nastroi3 "rat3; uprat3; int3"
// Console settings \\
console "1.000000"
con_color "255 180 30"
con_notifytime "5"
scr_conspeed "999999"
scr_centertime "1"
scr_printspeed "55"
// Net_graph settings \\
net_graph "1"
net_scale "5"
net_graphpos "1"
net_graphwidth "106"
net_scale "2"
net_drawslider "0"
net_chokeloop "0"
net_log "0"
net_showdrop "0"
net_showpackets "0"
graphheight "115"
пули О_О
tracerspeed "4000"
tracerblue "60"
echo "cfg by vlad"
echo "VLAD"
name "DeMaH
exec userconfig.cfg