Kaa^ | Дата: Суббота, 11.06.2011, 15:21 | Сообщение # 1 |
Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 833
Награды: 4
Репутация: 10
| //==========================================================?! //========== Cfg by la.tai & Perfomance ====================?! //========== Configuration for knife 2010 ==================?! //========== Perfomance skype : mykn1fe ====================?! //========== la.tai skype : wukapho_o ======================?! //========== 20.09.2010 ====================================?! //========== Powerful^FerRrrrr =============================?! //========== KniFe 3aHyDbI | la.tai ========================?! //==========================================================?!
//===============================+ // Bind's for knife // //===============================+
| Bind's |
unbindall bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "ENTER" "amxmodmenu" bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "SPACE" "+jump" bind "'" "+moveup" bind "+" "sizeup" bind "," "say nuwy cfg nog Baw uHtepHeT Bcero 3a 100p" bind "." "say LLeHa cfg oT 50p" bind "/" "say nokynauTe JIy4wue cfg Pro urpokoB Ha knife (Skype wuakpho_o)" bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind ";" "+mlook" bind "[" "invprev" bind "]" "invnext" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "b" "buy" bind "c" "radio3" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+hook" bind "f" "impulse 100" bind "g" "drop" bind "h" "+commandmenu" bind "j" "cheer" bind "k" "+voicerecord" bind "l" "showbriefing" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "n" "nightvision" bind "o" "buyequip" bind "q" "lastinv" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" "+grab" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "w" "+forward" bind "x" "radio2" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" "radio1" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "UPARROW" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" bind "ALT" "+strafe" bind "CTRL" "+duck" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "INS" "cheatsoff" bind "DEL" "cheatsoff" bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "HOME" "cheatsoff" bind "END" "cheatsoff" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext" bind "MWHEELUP" "+duck" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "MOUSE3" "+grab"
//===============================+ // Console setting's // //===============================+
| Video setting's |
gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" gl_monolights "0" max_shells "0" gunsmoke "0" max_smokepuffs "0" fps_max "101" violence_ablood "1" violence_hblood "1" violence_agibs "1" violence_hgibs "1" cl_minmodels "1" cl_weather "0" cl_shadows "0" developer "0" gl_zmax "1" _cl_autowepswitch "0" hud_centerid "1" cl_fastswitch "1" gamma 3.3
| Client setting's |
rate 23000.000002 _cl_autowepswitch "0" cl_lw "3" cl_lc "0" ex_interp 0 r_mmx "1" r_shadows "1" cl_dlmax "7001" v_dark 2 cl_himodels "0.000000" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_timeout "95" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_resend "3" cl_download_ingame "1" cl_allowdownload "1" cl_allowupload "1" cl_cmdrate "11003" cl_updaterate "501" cl_forwardspeed "277" cl_backspeed "400" cl_yawspeed "901" cl_sidespeed "275" cl_upspeed "400" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" cl_corpsestay "1" cl_righthand "1" cl_minmodels "1" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" cl_radartype "0" cl_weather "0" cl_shadows "1" cl_crosshair_color "50 250 50" cl_crosshair_size "small" cl_crosshair_translucent "0" cl_logocolor "#Valve_Red" cl_logofile "devl1" cl_rate "10999" cl_showfps "1" cl_bob "0" cl_bobup "4" cl_bobcycle "0" cl_needinstanced 0 cl_nosmooth 0 cl_clockreset 0.01 cl_corpsestay 205
| Sound's setting : |
volume "0.2500000" s_rolloff "1.0" s_doppler "0.0" s_distance "60" s_automin_distance "2.0" s_automax_distance "30.0" s_min_distance "8.0" s_max_distance "1000.0" s_leafnum "0" s_refgain "0.4" s_refdelay "5" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_polysize "10000000" s_numpolys "200" s_bloat "2.0" s_verbwet "0.25" s_a3d "0.000000" s_geometry "0" s_eax "0.000000" s_buffersize "65536" s_2dvolume "0.88" s_occfactor "0" _snd_mixahead "0.1" ambient_fade "100" ambient_level "0.08" suitvolume "1.000000" hisound "1.000000" bgmvolume "1.000000" bgmbuffer "-999999999" MP3FadeTime "2.0" MP3Volume "0.100000" voice_scale "1.000000" voice_enable "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1.000000" voice_modenable "1" sv_voiceenable "1"
| Mouse setting's | sensitivity "7.0" m_pitch "0.022" m_yaw "0.017" m_forward "1.0" m_side "1.0" m_filter "0.000000" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.03" +mlook
//=================================+ // Aliases for knife // //=================================+
Double duck by la.tai : bind "q" "+dd" alias "+dd" "+duck;wait;developer 1;fps_max 301;-duck;wait;+duck;" alias "-dd" "-duck;developer 0;fps_max 101"
BunnyHop bind "SPACE" "+bhop" alias +bhop "alias _special @bhop;@bhop" alias -bhop "alias _special" alias @bhop "special;wait;+jump;wait;-jump"
Headshot lookspring 1 ; alias +un.head1 "-mlook;wait;+mlook;+attack" ; alias -un.head1 "-attack" ; alias un.head1_1 "bind mouse1 +un.head1" v_centerspeed 9999
JIary4uu script's by d0z : alias w5 "wait;wait;wait;wait;wait" alias w10 "w5;w5" alias d1 "developer 1" alias d0 "developer 0" alias cstay1 "cl_corpsestay 357" alias cstay2 "cl_corpsestay 0" alias fsoff "fastsprites 0" alias fson "fastsprites 2" alias mmxon "r_mmx 2" alias mmxoff "r_mmx 0" alias fps10 "fps_max 10" alias fps150 "fps_max 150" alias wtron "cl_weather 1" alias wtroff "cl_weather 0" alias +d0z "+attack2;d0;w10;fps10;cstay1;fson;mmxom;wtron" alias -d0z "-attack2;d1;w10;fps150;cstay2;fsoff;mmxoff;wtroff" bind "mouse3" "+d0z"
alias speed+ "cl_forwardspeed 145; cl_backspeed 145; cl_sidespeed 145" alias speed- "cl_forwardspeed 400; cl_backspeed 400; cl_sidespeed 400"
alias walk "walk1" alias walk1 "speed+; con_notifytime 600; motdfile walk.txt; motd_write :: Walk mode; developer 1; motd; developer 0; alias walk walk0" alias walk0 "speed-; con_notifytime -1; motdfile motd.txt; alias walk walk1"
alias "+cjump" "+jump;+duck" alias "-cjump" "-jump;-duck bind "v" "+cjump"
alias +knife "weapon_knife; +jump; +duck; +attack2;" alias -knife "weapon_knife; -jump; -duck; -attack2;" bind "c" "+knife"
fps_max "101" cl_yawspeed "10000" alias wait5 "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait" alias wait10 "wait5; wait5" alias wait20 "wait10; wait10" alias wait40 "wait20; wait20"
// Multi-Strafe alias strafe.qA2_4 "+left; +moveleft; wait10; -moveleft; -left; strafe.qA2_right; strafe.qA2_left; +right; +moveright; wait10; -moveright; -right; +duck; wait40; -duck" alias strafe.qA2_left "+left; +moveleft; wait20; -moveleft; -left" alias strafe.qA2_right "+right; +moveright; wait20; -moveright; -right"
// Pre-Strafe alias s.qA2_pre " wait40; cl_yawspeed 105; +left; +moveleft; wait40; wait20; -moveleft; -left; cl_yawspeed 210" alias run_qA2.LJ4 " strafe.qA2_4" alias pre_qA2.LJ4 "s.qA2_pre; _jump.qA2; strafe.qA2_4"
alias @bhp "special;wait;+jump;wait;-jump" alias "bhp2" "+jump;wait;-jump;wait;+jump;wait;-jump;wait;+jump;wait;-jump;wait;+jump;wait; -jump;wait;+jump;wait;-jump;wait;" alias -bjskutt "-jump" alias "bhpon" "bind space +bhp; alias bhpv bhpoff; echo Bhop *ON*" alias "bhpoff" "bind space bhp2; alias bhpv bhpon; echo Bhop *OFF*"
alias +mspeed "move_speed 7" alias -mspeed "move_speed 0"
alias +hlhaim "aim_on 1;aim_lock 1;aim_shoot 2" alias -hlhaim "aim_on 0;aim_lock 0;aim_shoot 0"
alias +onlyaim "aim_on 1;aim_lock 1" alias -onlyaim "aim_on 0;aim_lock 0"
alias +aimshoot "aim_on 1;aim_lock 1;aim_shoot 1;" alias -aimshoot "aim_on 0;aim_lock 0;aim_shoot 0;"
alias +doaim "aim_on 1" alias -doaim "aim_on 0"
alias +thru "aim_thru 1;aim 1" alias -thru "aim_thru 0;aim 0"
alias +doshoot "aim_on 1;aim_shoot 2" alias -doshoot "aim_shoot 0;aim_on 0"
alias +doaim "aim 1;+attack" alias -doaim "aim 0;-attack"
alias +thru "aimthru 1;+attack" alias -thru "aimthru 0;-attack"
alias +doshoot "aim 1;#wait;#+attack" alias -doshoot "#-attack; aim 0"
alias +kill "#kill" alias -kill "#+attack"
alias dodshoot+ "ltfxspeed 2" alias dodshoot- "ltfxspeed 0"
alias doshooton "aim 1;#wait;#+attack" alias doshootoff "#-attack; aim 0"
alias duckshooton "#+duck;aim 1;#wait;#+attack" alias duckshootoff "#-duck;#-attack; aim 0"
alias jumpshooton "#+jump;aim 1;#wait;#+attack" alias jumpshootoff "#-jump;#-attack; aim 0"
alias bdshooton "aim 1;shoot 1;ltfxaspeed 1" alias bdshootoff "aim 0;shoot 0;ltfxaspeed 0"
alias doaimon "aim 1;#+attack" alias doaimoff "#-attack;aim 0"
alias +thru "aim_thru 1;aim 1" alias -thru "aim_thru 0;aim 0"
alias +doshoot "aim_on 1;aim_shoot 2" alias -doshoot "aim_shoot 0;aim_on 0"
alias +ltfxv4 "aim_on 1;aim_shoot 1" alias +ltfxv4 "aim_on 0;aim_shoot 0"
alias "+christcs" "aim_on 1;aim_lock 1;aim_shoot 2" alias "-christcs" "aim_on 0;aim_lock 0;aim_shoot 0"
alias "+ltfxv4" "aim_on 1;aim_lock 1;aim_shoot 1" alias "-ltfxv4" "aim_on 0;aim_lock 0;aim_shoot 0"
alias "+christns" "aim_smooth 7;aim_on 1;aim_lock 1" alias "-christns" "aim_smooth 0;aim_on 0;aim_lock 0"
alias +mysettings "fspeed 0.0;mefrozen 0.0;#cl_timeout 9999999999;mode 0;lock 0;esp 10;weapon 0" alias -mysettings "fspeed 0.4;mefrozen 0.6;#cl_timeout 9999999999;mode 0;lock 1;esp 25;weapon 1" alias yus_setting "fspeed 0.0;mefrozen 0.0;#cl_timeout 9999999999;mode 0;lock 0;esp 10;weapon 0;shoot 1;aspeed 500"
alias +speed "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 225.05;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed1 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 2.05;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed1 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.09;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed2 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 2.5;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed2 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.1;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed3 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 3;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed3 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed10 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 10;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed10 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed50 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 50;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed50 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed100 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 100;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed100 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed200 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 200;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed200 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed300 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 300;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed300 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed400 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 400;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed400 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed500 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 500;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed500 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed600 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 600;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed600 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed700 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 700;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed700 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed800 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 800;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed800 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed900 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 900;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed900 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed999 "+mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 999;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed999 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed1000 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 1000;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed1000 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 500;#cl_timeout 99999999"
alias singleStrafe1 "cl_yawspeed -370; wait2; cl_yawspeed 410; wait7; cl_yawspeed 465; wait1" alias singleStrafe2 "cl_yawspeed -330; wait2; cl_yawspeed 400; wait6; cl_yawspeed 450; wait1" alias singleStrafe3 "cl_yawspeed -300; wait2; cl_yawspeed 355; wait6; cl_yawspeed 400; wait1" alias singleStrafe4 "cl_yawspeed -280; wait2; cl_yawspeed 315; wait5; cl_yawspeed 380; wait1" alias singleStrafe5 "cl_yawspeed -365; wait2; cl_yawspeed 285; wait3; cl_yawspeed 340; wait1" alias singleStrafe6 "cl_yawspeed -240; wait2; cl_yawspeed 230; wait2; cl_yawspeed 300; wait1" alias singleStrafe7 "cl_yawspeed -200; wait2; cl_yawspeed 205; wait2;" cl_autowepswitch "1"
alias +www "+attack2;developer 1;r_mmx 2;fps_max 1000;fastsprites 101; cl_corpsestay 300; cl_weather 1; mp_decals 300; r_decals 300" alias -www "-attack2;developer 0;r_mmx 0;fps_max 100;cl_corpsestay 0; cl_weather 0; mp_decals 1; r_decals 1; fastsprites 0" bind mouse2 +www
alias knife-numbers "avadd 0 22.75 6.3 2;avadd 1 27.5 5.45 3.45;avadd 2 11.52 7.04 3.95;avadd 3 17.9 6.87 1.205" alias knifesetup "height_correction 0;recoil 1.5" alias tknife "avclear0;avclear1;avclear2;knife-numbers;knifesetup;txt ( K n i f e )"
alias knifing "#slot3;" alias +Speedknif "aim 1;knifing; alias knifing; ltfxspeed 100.0;" alias -speedknif "aim 1;#slot1; speed_off;alias knifing #slot3;" //bind pgdn +Speedknif //Change the key to what ever you want
//==============================+ // Echo's // //==============================+
echo Cfg by la.tai & Perfomance echo JIy4wa9 CoBMecTka Bcex BpeMeH echo PERFOMANCE echo + echo LA.TAI echo = echo SUPER CFG FOR KNIFE
Добавлено (11.06.2011, 15:21) --------------------------------------------- блиин измени название KNIFE а то я чёто тупанул
Кто захочет тот заглянет
Сообщение отредактировал Kaa^ - Суббота, 11.06.2011, 15:21 |
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