Kaa^ | Дата: Воскресенье, 05.06.2011, 21:24 | Сообщение # 1 |
Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 833
Награды: 4
Репутация: 10
| unbindall bind "ALT" "ultimate" bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "ENTER" "+attack" bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "SPACE" "+jump" bind "'" "+moveup" bind "+" "sizeup" bind "," "buyammo1" bind "-" "amxmodmenu" bind "." "buyammo2" bind "/" "+movedown" bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind ";" "+mlook" bind "=" "sizeup" bind "[" "invprev" bind "]" "invnext" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "b" "buy" bind "c" "+voicerecord" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+use" bind "f" "impulse 100" bind "g" "drop" bind "h" "+commandmenu" bind "i" "showbriefing" bind "j" "cheer" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "n" "+hook" bind "o" "buyequip" bind "q" "lastinv" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" "impulse 201" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "w" "+forward" bind "x" "grab_toggle" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" "banss_menu" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "UPARROW" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" bind "ALT" "+strafe" bind "CTRL" "+duck" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "F1" "autobuy" bind "F2" "rebuy" bind "F5" "snapshot" bind "F6" "save quick" bind "F7" "load quick" bind "F10" "quit prompt" bind "INS" "cheatsoff" bind "DEL" "cheatsoff" bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "HOME" "cheatsoff" bind "END" "cheatsoff" bind "KP_HOME" "slot7" bind "KP_UPARROW" "slot8" bind "KP_PGUP" "slot9" bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "slot4" bind "KP_5" "slot5" bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "slot6" bind "KP_END" "slot1" bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "slot2" bind "KP_PGDN" "slot3" bind "KP_ENTER" "buyammo1" bind "KP_INS" "buyequip" bind "KP_DEL" "buyammo2" bind "KP_PLUS" "buy" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump" bind "MWHEELUP" "+duck" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "MOUSE3" "+voicerecord" bind "PAUSE" "pause"
console "1.000000" hideradar 1 fps_max "200" fps_modem "000" crosshair "1.000000" gamma "5.000000" brightness "5.000000" con_color "0 155 255" cl_crosshair_color "50 250 50" cl_crosshair_size "small" net_graph "0" net_scale "1" net_graphpos "1" sv_voiceenable "voice_speex" sv_aim "0" hpk_maxsize "0" viewsize "120.000000" ati_subdiv "2.0" ati_npatch "1.0" r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" r_drawviewmodel "0" mp_decals "1.000000" gl_dither "1" gl_polyoffset "0.1" gl_overbright "0.000000" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_monolights "0" gl_picmip 0 gl_max_size 512 s_rolloff "1.0" s_doppler "0.0" s_distance "60" s_automin_distance "2.0" s_automax_distance "30.0" s_min_distance "8.0" s_max_distance "1000.0" s_leafnum "0" s_refgain "0.4" s_refdelay "4" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_polysize "10000000" s_numpolys "200" s_bloat "2.0" s_verbwet "0.25" s_a3d "0.000000" s_eax "0.000000" volume "0.3" suitvolume "1" hisound "1.000000" bgmvolume "1.000000" MP3Volume "0.0" _snd_mixahead "0.1" team "" model "" skin "" topcolor "67" bottomcolor "71" rate "28000.000000" cl_updatarate 701 ex_interp "0.0091" ex_maxerrordistance "0" cl_updaterate 101 cl_lw "1" cl_lc "0" cl_dlmax "128" cl_himodels "0.000000" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_timeout "35" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_bobcycle 0 cl_download_ingame "1" cl_allowdownload "1" cl_allowupload "1" cl_cmdrate "201" lookstrafe "0.000000" lookspring "0.000000" cl_forwardspeed "400" cl_backspeed "400" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" m_pitch "0.022" m_yaw ".017" m_forward "1" m_side "0.8" m_filter "1.000000" sensitivity "4.0" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1" joystick "0.000000" hud_takesshots "0" fastsprites "0" cl_corpsestay "0.000000" _cl_autowepswitch "0" hud_capturemouse "1" hud_draw "1" cl_righthand "1" cl_minmodels "1" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" hud_fastswitch "1" hud_centerid "1" voice_modenable "1.000000" hud_classautokill "1" setinfo "_pw" "chp" setinfo "_ah" "0" setinfo "friends" "0" setinfo "dm" "1" setinfo "ah" "1" setinfo "ghosts" "0" setinfo "cl_lb" "0.0" setinfo "righthand" "1" setinfo "vgui_menus" "0" setinfo "vgui_menu" "0" setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0"
cl_updatarate "701" net_graph 0
bind "mouse2" "+k" alias +k "-mlook;wait;+attack2" alias -k "+mlook;wait;-attack2"
bind "mouse2" "+111" alias +111 "+attack2;fps_max 1000;" alias -111 "-attack2;fps_max 100;"
alias +shs "slot1;+attack" alias -shs "-attack;slot3" bind mouse1 "+shs"
alias "+christcs" "aim_on 1;aim_lock 1;aim_shoot 1" alias "-christcs" "aim_on 0;aim_lock 0;aim_shoot 0"
alias "fb_stop" "fps_max 10;cl_yawspeed 7199;wait;+left;wait;-left;wait;fps_max 140;cl_yawspeed 210" bind "mouse3" "fb_stop"
alias +q_stab "weapon_knife;w;+attack2" alias -q_stab "-attack2;lastinv"
alias +q_slash "weapon_knife;w;+attack" alias -q_slash "-attack;lastinv"
alias +quickstab "weapon_knife; w; +attack2" alias -quickstab "w3; -attack2; w; bestweap"
alias +quickslash "weapon_knife; w; +attack" alias -quickslash "w3; -attack; w; bestweap"
//; alias +un.head1 "-mlook;wait;+mlook;+attack" //; alias -un.head1 "-attack" //; alias un.head1_1 "bind mouse1 +un.head1;spk activated"
//; alias +un.head1 "-mlook;wait;+mlook;+attack2" //; alias -un.head1 "-attack2" //; alias un.head1_1 "bind mouse2 +un.head1;spk activated" //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
alias black "con_color 0+0+0" alias darkergrey "con_color 51+51+51" alias darkgrey "con_color 66+66+66" alias lightergrey "con_color 90+90+90" alias evenlightergrey "con_color 150+150+150" alias lightiergrey "con_color 190+190+190" alias lightestgrey "con_color 220+220+220" alias white "con_color 255+255+255" alias red "con_color 255+51+51" alias darkred "con_color 204+0+0" alias lightred "con_color 255+0+0" alias green "con_color 0+204+51" alias darkgreen "con_color 0+102+0" alias lightgreen "con_color 0+255+0" alias blue "con_color 0+102+102" alias darkblue "con_color 0+0+153" alias lightblue "con_color 0+0+255" alias purple "con_color 204+0+153" alias darkpurple "con_color 204+0+255" alias lightpurple "con_color 255+0+255" alias brown "con_color 153+153+102" alias yellow "con_color 255+255+0" alias orange "con_color 255+102+51" alias pink "con_color 255+0+204" alias darkpink "con_color 204+102+153" alias color "cl1" alias cl1 "black; alias color cl2" alias cl2 "darkergrey; alias color cl3" alias cl3 "darkgrey; alias color cl4" alias cl4 "lightergrey; alias color cl5" alias cl5 "evenlightergrey; alias color cl6" alias cl6 "lightiergrey; alias color cl7" alias cl7 "lightestgrey; alias color cl8" alias cl8 "white;alias color cl9" alias cl9 "red;alias color cl10" alias cl10 "darkred;alias color cl11" alias cl11 "lightred;alias color cl12" alias cl12 "green;alias color cl13" alias cl13 "darkgreen;alias color cl14" alias cl14 "lightgreen;alias color cl15" alias cl15 "blue;alias color cl16" alias cl16 "darkblue;alias color cl17" alias cl17 "lightblue;alias color cl18" alias cl18 "purple;alias color cl19" alias cl19 "darkpurple;alias color cl20" alias cl20 "lightpurple;alias color cl21" alias cl21 "brown;alias color cl22" alias cl22 "yellow;alias color cl23" alias cl23 "orange;alias color cl24" alias cl24 "pink;alias color cl25" alias cl25 "darkpink;alias color cl1"
Bind "f5" "color"
echo " F5 - change chat's color"
//headshot script\\
alias +head1 "-mlook;wait;+attack" alias -head1 "-attack;;+mlook" alias head1 "bind mouse1 +head1"
=========walk script
alias speed+ "cl_forwardspeed 145; cl_backspeed 145; cl_sidespeed 145" alias speed- "cl_forwardspeed 400; cl_backspeed 400; cl_sidespeed 400"
alias walk "walk1" alias walk1 "speed+; con_notifytime 600; motdfile walk.txt; motd_write :: Walk mode; developer 1; motd; developer 0; alias walk walk0" alias walk0 "speed-; con_notifytime -1; motdfile motd.txt; alias walk walk1"
bind / walk
alias extoggle2 exon alias exon "voice_inputfromfile 1; voice_loopback 1; +voicerecord; alias extoggle2 exoff" alias exoff "-voicerecord; voice_inputfromfile 0; voice_loopback 0; alias extoggle2 exon" bind "f9" "extoggle2"
============ltfv v4 alias +ltfxv4 "aim_on 1;aim_shoot 1" alias +ltfxv4 "aim_on 0;aim_shoot 0" cl_long a knife "0.018000"
================speed SCR!PTS alias +mysettings "fspeed 0.0;mefrozen 0.0;#cl_timeout 9999999999;mode 0;lock 0;esp 10;weapon 0" alias -mysettings "fspeed 0.4;mefrozen 0.6;#cl_timeout 9999999999;mode 0;lock 1;esp 25;weapon 1" alias yus_setting "fspeed 0.0;mefrozen 0.0;#cl_timeout 9999999999;mode 0;lock 0;esp 10;weapon 0;shoot 1;aspeed 500"
alias +speed "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 225.05;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed1 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 2.05;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed1 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.09;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed2 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 2.5;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed2 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.1;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed3 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 3;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed3 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed10 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 10;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed10 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed50 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 50;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed50 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed100 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 100;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed100 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed200 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 200;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed200 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed300 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 300;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed300 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed400 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 400;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed400 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed500 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 500;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed500 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed600 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 600;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed600 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed700 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 700;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed700 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed800 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 800;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed800 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed900 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 900;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed900 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed999 "+mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 999;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed999 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 1;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias +speed1000 "+mysettings;aspeed 1;speed 1000;#cl_timeout 99999999" alias -speed1000 "-mysettings;aspeed 2.3;speed 500;#cl_timeout 99999999"
============Manual Speed alias +mspeed "move_speed 7" alias -mspeed "move_speed 0"
===================Aim w/ Shooting alias +hlhaim "aim_on 1;aim_lock 1;aim_shoot 2" alias -hlhaim "aim_on 0;aim_lock 0;aim_shoot 0"
=================Aim Only Style alias +onlyaim "aim_on 1;aim_lock 1" alias -onlyaim "aim_on 0;aim_lock 0"
================Only Shoot when AutoAiming alias +aimshoot "aim_on 1;aim_lock 1;aim_shoot 1;" alias -aimshoot "aim_on 0;aim_lock 0;aim_shoot 0;"
=================xqz2 style alias +doaim "aim_on 1" alias -doaim "aim_on 0"
================== temporary aim thru wall alias +thru "aim_thru 1;aim 1" alias -thru "aim_thru 0;aim 0"
============== hlh style alias +doshoot "aim_on 1;aim_shoot 2" alias -doshoot "aim_shoot 0;aim_on 0"
============xqz2 style alias +doaim "aim 1;+attack" alias -doaim "aim 0;-attack"
=============temporary aim thru wall alias +thru "aimthru 1;+attack" alias -thru "aimthru 0;-attack"
=================hlh style alias +doshoot "aim 1;#wait;#+attack" alias -doshoot "#-attack; aim 0"
================Duck Runner
bind "q" "+duck_run.fp3" alias +duck_run.fP3 "alias cl_rebuy duck_run.fP3; cl_setrebuy PrimaryAmmo; rebuy; duck_run.fP3" alias -duck_run.fP3 "alias cl_rebuy; -duck; alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.00" alias duck_run.fP3 "dr_cycle.fP3; wait; rebuy"
alias dr_cycle.fP3 "dr_loop.fP3.00" alias dr_loop.fP3.00 "+duck; alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.01" alias dr_loop.fP3.01 "-duck; alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.02" alias dr_loop.fP3.02 "+duck; alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.03" alias dr_loop.fP3.03 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.04" alias dr_loop.fP3.04 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.05" alias dr_loop.fP3.05 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.06" alias dr_loop.fP3.06 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.07" alias dr_loop.fP3.07 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.08" alias dr_loop.fP3.08 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.09" alias dr_loop.fP3.09 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.10" alias dr_loop.fP3.10 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.11" alias dr_loop.fP3.11 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.12" alias dr_loop.fP3.12 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.13" alias dr_loop.fP3.13 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.14" alias dr_loop.fP3.14 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.15" alias dr_loop.fP3.15 "-duck; alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.16" alias dr_loop.fP3.16 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.17" alias dr_loop.fP3.17 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.18" alias dr_loop.fP3.18 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.19" alias dr_loop.fP3.19 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.20" alias dr_loop.fP3.20 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.21" alias dr_loop.fP3.21 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.22" alias dr_loop.fP3.22 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.23" alias dr_loop.fP3.23 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.24" alias dr_loop.fP3.24 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.25" alias dr_loop.fP3.25 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.26" alias dr_loop.fP3.26 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.27" alias dr_loop.fP3.27 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.28" alias dr_loop.fP3.28 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.29" alias dr_loop.fP3.29 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.30" alias dr_loop.fP3.30 "alias dr_cycle.fP3 dr_loop.fP3.00"
alias rat1 "rate 9000" alias uprat1 "cl_updaterate 30" alias int1 "ex_interp 0" alias nastroi1 "rat1; uprat1; int1"
alias rat2 "rate 9000" alias uprat2 "cl_updaterate 1000" alias int2 "ex_interp 0" alias nastroi2 "rat2; uprat2; int2"
alias rat3 "rate 9000" alias uprat3 "cl_updaterate 450" alias int3 "ex_interp 0.0025" alias nastroi3 "rat3; uprat3; int3"
bind "F5" "toggle_bhop" alias "toggle_bhop" "bhop.on" alias "text.bhon" "motd_file bhop.txt;motd_write --BunnyHop Activated-- (Press SPACE to use);dev1;motd;dev0;motdfile motd.txt" alias "text.bhoff" "motd_file bhop.txt;motd_write --BunnyHop Dectivated-- (Press SPACE to jump normally);dev1;motd;dev0;motdfile motd.txt" alias "bhop.on" "bind SPACE +bhop;text.bhon;spk activated; alias toggle_bhop bhop.off" alias "bhop.off" "unbind SPACE; bind SPACE +jump;text.bhoff;spk deactivated; alias toggle_bhop bhop.on"
============== +dk aliases
alias +dk "+duck;wait;-duck;wait;wait;+duck;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait" alias -dk "-duck"
alias w "wait" alias w5 "wait;wait;wait;wait;wait" alias w10 "w5;w5" alias w20 "w10;w10" alias w40 "w20;w20"
alias +hhh "alias _special zzz; zzz" alias -hhh "alias _special slot10" alias zzz "+duck;wait;-duck;wait;wait;wait;+duck;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait ;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait ;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;-duck;w40;wait;wait;wait;wait;special"
=================Kn1fe alias knife-numbers "avadd 0 22.75 6.3 2;avadd 1 27.5 5.45 3.45;avadd 2 11.52 7.04 3.95" alias knifesetup "height_correction 0;recoil 1.5;aswitch1;aswitchr1" alias knifevec "avclear0;avclear1;avclear2;knife-numbers;knifesetup"
====================Christ CS alias "+christcs" "aim_on 1;aim_lock 1;aim_shoot 1" alias "-christcs" "aim_on 0;aim_lock 0;aim_shoot 0"
alias "+ltfxv4" "aim_on 1;aim_lock 1;aim_shoot 1" alias "-ltfxv4" "aim_on 0;aim_lock 0;aim_shoot 0" alias "m_pitch" "r_drawviewmodel 0
=======================Christ NS alias "+christns" "aim_smooth 1;aim_on 1;aim_lock 1" alias "-christns" "aim_smooth 0;aim_on 0;aim_lock 0"
alias +gag "+moveright;wait;+right;cl_yawspeed 2500;+oo" alias -gag "-moveright;wait;-right;-oo" bind "j" "+gag"
bind "p" "alias m_pitch r_drawviewmodel 1"
//Aimbot Scripts //======================================================
alias +kill "#kill" alias -kill "#+attack"
//DOD Style alias dodshoot+ "ltfxspeed 2" alias dodshoot- "ltfxspeed 0"
//HLH Style alias doshooton "aim 1;#wait;#+attack" alias doshootoff "#-attack; aim 0"
//HLH3 Duck Style alias duckshooton "#+duck;aim 1;#wait;#+attack" alias duckshootoff "#-duck;#-attack; aim 0"
//HLH4 Jump Style alias jumpshooton "#+jump;aim 1;#wait;#+attack" alias jumpshootoff "#-jump;#-attack; aim 0"
//BD Style alias bdshooton "aim 1;shoot 1;ltfxaspeed 1" alias bdshootoff "aim 0;shoot 0;ltfxaspeed 0"
//XQZ2 Style alias doaimon "aim 1;#+attack" alias doaimoff "#-attack;aim 0"
// KNIFE SPEED // //______________
alias knifing "#slot3;" alias +Speedknif "aim 1;knifing; alias knifing; ltfxspeed 100.0;" alias -speedknif "aim 1;#slot1; speed_off;alias knifing #slot3;" //bind z +Speedknif //Change the key to what ever you want
/+attack2 script alias +att2 "#+attack2" alias -att2 "#-attack2"
//Aimthru 1 alias +thrushoot "aimthru 1;#+attack" alias -thrushoot "aimthru 0;#-attack"
//Aimthru 2 W/ shoot alias +thru "aimthru 1;" alias -thru "aimthru 0;"
//Xqz2 style alias +doaim "aim 1" alias -doaim "aim 0"
// hlh style alias +doshoot "aim 1;#wait;#+attack" alias -doshoot "#-attack; aim 0"
// csg style alias +csgaim "aim 1;later 0.01 #+attack;later 0.01 aim 0" alias -csgaim "later 0.01 #-attack"
// DavVv style alias +doshootnoaim "davbot 0;#wait;#+attack" alias -doshootnoaim "#-attack; davbot 1"
=========imp. bind "f" "+2" alias +2 "alias _special @2;@2" alias -2 "alias _special" alias @2 "special;wait;impulse 100;wait;impulse 100;"
============bHoP be3 dd alias +cbhop "alias _special @cbhop;@cbhop" alias -cbhop "alias _special" alias @cbhop "special;wait;+jump; +duck; wait; -duck; -jump" bind "t" "+cbhop"
alias singleStrafe1 "cl_yawspeed -210; wait2; cl_yawspeed 450; wait7; cl_yawspeed 670; wait1" alias singleStrafe2 "cl_yawspeed -130; wait2; cl_yawspeed 448; wait7; cl_yawspeed 670; wait1" alias singleStrafe3 "cl_yawspeed -120; wait2; cl_yawspeed 445; wait6; cl_yawspeed 660; wait1" alias singleStrafe4 "cl_yawspeed -130; wait2; cl_yawspeed 405; wait5; cl_yawspeed 640; wait1" alias singleStrafe5 "cl_yawspeed -130; wait2; cl_yawspeed 402; wait5; cl_yawspeed 620; wait1" alias singleStrafe6 "cl_yawspeed -90; wait2; cl_yawspeed 400; wait4; cl_yawspeed 400; wait1" alias singleStrafe7 "cl_yawspeed -180; wait2; cl_yawspeed 390; wait1"
alias knife-numbers "avadd 0 22.75 6.3 2;avadd 1 27.5 5.45 3.45;avadd 2 11.52 7.04 3.95;avadd 3 17.9 6.87 1.205" alias knifesetup "height_correction 0;recoil 1.5" alias tknife "avclear0;avclear1;avclear2;knife-numbers;knifesetup;txt ( K n i f e )"
bind "o" "multiname" alias multiname "name1" alias name1 "alias multiname name2;name "polotence" alias name2 "alias multiname name3;name "zero!?" alias name3 "alias multiname name4;name "knife.champions%|%zero!?" alias name4 "alias multiname name1;name "momowa"
========hom bind "F6" "cl_resend 0; cl_rate 99999999999; cl_bob 0; cl_bobcycle 0; cl_righthand 1; cl_lw 0; cl_lc 0; cl_updaterate 501; ex_interp 0.0000002; cl_cmdbackup 0; cl_cmdrate 9999999999;" bind "F12" "rate 250000000; cl_rate 999999999; cl_updaterate 501; cl_cmdrate 750; cl_resend 2.5; ex_interp 0.0000002; cl_cmdbackup 1; cl_fixtimerate 7.5; cl_bob 0; cl_bobcycle 0; cl_bobup 0;cl_sidespeed 999; cl_backspeed 999; cl_forwardspeed 999; fps_max 101" cl_updatarate 501 net_graph 1
alias w "wait" alias w2 "w; w" alias d1 "developer 1" alias d0 "developer 0"
alias djtog "djson" alias djson "d1; echo Duck-Jump Toggle *ON*; w; djon" alias djsoff "d1; echo Duck-Jump Toggle *OFF*; w; djoff" alias djon "alias +bhop +djump; alias -bhop -djump; alias djtog djsoff" alias djoff "alias +bhop +jump; alias -bhop -jump; alias djtog djson"
alias +djump "+jump; +duck; w" alias -djump "-jump; -duck"
bind "e "+dd" alias "+dd" "+duck;wait;-duck;wait;+duck" alias "-dd" "-duck"
alias "+ltfxv4" "aim_on 1;aim_lock 1;aim_shoot 1" alias "-ltfxv4" "aim_on 0;aim_lock 0;aim_shoot 0" alias "m_pitch" "r_drawviewmodel 0 //Christ NS alias "+christns" "aim_smooth 1;aim_on 1;aim_lock 1" alias "-christns" "aim_smooth 0;aim_on 0;aim_lock 0" alias +gag "+moveright;wait;+right;cl_yawspeed 4000;+oo" alias -gag "-moveright;wait;-right;-oo" bind "g" "+gag"
// Quick Stab alias +q_stab "weapon_knife;w;+attack2" alias -q_stab "-attack2;lastinv"
// Quick Slash alias +q_slash "weapon_knife;w;+attack" alias -q_slash "-attack;lastinv"
//-Quick Stab alias +quickstab "weapon_knife; w; +attack2" alias -quickstab "w3; -attack2; w; bestweap"
//-Quick Slash alias +quickslash "weapon_knife; w; +attack" alias -quickslash "w3; -attack; w; bestweap"
// Shooting //; alias +un.head1 "-mlook;wait;+mlook;+attack" //; alias -un.head1 "-attack" //; alias un.head1_1 "bind mouse1 +un.head1;spk activated"
// Shooting //; alias +un.head1 "-mlook;wait;+mlook;+attack2" //; alias -un.head1 "-attack2" //; alias un.head1_1 "bind mouse2 +un.head1;spk activated" //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
// different scripts________________________________________________________________________________________________
//bhop bind "mouse5" "+jj" alias +jj "alias _special 4;4" alias -jj "alias _special;-jump" alias 4 "+jump; wait; -jump; wait; special"
//mouse 2 - color
alias +www "+attack2;developer 1;fps_max 1000; adjust_crosshair;" alias -www "-attack2;developer 0;fps_max 100; adjust_crosshair" bind mouse2 +www
//mouse 1 - color
alias +tt "+attack; adjust_crosshair" alias -tt "-attack; adjust_crosshair" bind mouse1 +tt
//doubleduck - color
bind "e" "+dd" alias "+dd" "+duck;wait;-duck;wait;+duck; adjust_crosshair" alias "-dd" "-duck; adjust_crosshair"
//spin script (not use cl_yawspeed in other scripts)
cl_yawspeed "1000000000000" alias wait5 "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait" alias wait10 "wait5; wait5" alias wait20 "wait10; wait10" alias wait40 "wait20; wait20"
// Multi-Strafe alias strafe.qA2_4 "+left; +moveleft; wait10; -moveleft; -left; strafe.qA2_right; strafe.qA2_left; +right; +moveright; wait10; -moveright; -right; wait40; alias strafe.qA2_left "+left; +moveleft; wait20; -moveleft; -left" alias strafe.qA2_right "+right; +moveright; wait20; -moveright; -right"
//unstopable impulse
bind "f" "+2" alias +2 "alias _special @2;@2" alias -2 "alias _special" alias @2 "special;wait;impulse 100;wait;impulse 100;"
//walk script
alias speed+ "cl_forwardspeed 145; cl_backspeed 145; cl_sidespeed 145" alias speed- "cl_forwardspeed 400; cl_backspeed 400; cl_sidespeed 400"
alias walk "walk1" alias walk1 "speed+; con_notifytime 600; motdfile walk.txt; motd_write :: Walk mode; developer 1; motd; developer 0; alias walk walk0" alias walk0 "speed-; con_notifytime -1; motdfile motd.txt; alias walk walk1"
bind k walk
bind "o" "multiname" alias multiname "name1" alias name1 "alias multiname name2;name ww.the.polotence" alias name2 "alias multiname name3;name ww.the.br0ther'" alias name3 "alias multiname name4;name polotence" alias name4 "alias multiname name1;name ww.the.f3lasT"
//Chat's color changer
alias black "con_color 0+0+0" alias darkergrey "con_color 51+51+51" alias darkgrey "con_color 66+66+66" alias lightergrey "con_color 90+90+90" alias evenlightergrey "con_color 150+150+150" alias lightiergrey "con_color 190+190+190" alias lightestgrey "con_color 220+220+220" alias white "con_color 255+255+255" alias red "con_color 255+51+51" alias darkred "con_color 204+0+0" alias lightred "con_color 255+0+0" alias green "con_color 0+204+51" alias darkgreen "con_color 0+102+0" alias lightgreen "con_color 0+255+0" alias blue "con_color 0+102+102" alias darkblue "con_color 0+0+153" alias lightblue "con_color 0+0+255" alias purple "con_color 204+0+153" alias darkpurple "con_color 204+0+255" alias lightpurple "con_color 255+0+255" alias brown "con_color 153+153+102" alias yellow "con_color 255+255+0" alias orange "con_color 255+102+51" alias pink "con_color 255+0+204" alias darkpink "con_color 204+102+153" alias color "cl1" alias cl1 "black; alias color cl2" alias cl2 "darkergrey; alias color cl3" alias cl3 "darkgrey; alias color cl4" alias cl4 "lightergrey; alias color cl5" alias cl5 "evenlightergrey; alias color cl6" alias cl6 "lightiergrey; alias color cl7" alias cl7 "lightestgrey; alias color cl8" alias cl8 "white;alias color cl9" alias cl9 "red;alias color cl10" alias cl10 "darkred;alias color cl11" alias cl11 "lightred;alias color cl12" alias cl12 "green;alias color cl13" alias cl13 "darkgreen;alias color cl14" alias cl14 "lightgreen;alias color cl15" alias cl15 "blue;alias color cl16" alias cl16 "darkblue;alias color cl17" alias cl17 "lightblue;alias color cl18" alias cl18 "purple;alias color cl19" alias cl19 "darkpurple;alias color cl20" alias cl20 "lightpurple;alias color cl21" alias cl21 "brown;alias color cl22" alias cl22 "yellow;alias color cl23" alias cl23 "orange;alias color cl24" alias cl24 "pink;alias color cl25" alias cl25 "darkpink;alias color cl1"
// MOTD Developer HUD Messages Workaround // alias echo_on.jJ7 "motdfile echo.txt; cl_showfps 0" alias echo_off.jJ7 "developer 1; motd; developer 0; motdfile motd.txt"
bind KP_HOME "exec oo.cfg" bind KP_PGUP "exec back.cfg" bind KP_UPARROW "exec str.cfg"
//for oo push "x" //for bacj push "mouse3" //for str push "space"
bind "q" "+iO0.strafe" alias +iO0.strafe "alias _special iO0.strafe; iO0.strafe" alias -iO0.strafe "alias _special; -moveleft; -moveright; -forward; -back" alias iO0.strafe "iO0.strafe_; wait; special" alias iO0.strafe_ "iO0.up" alias iO0.up "-moveright; wait; +forward; wait; alias iO0.strafe_ iO0.left" alias iO0.left "-forward ; wait;+moveleft; wait; alias iO0.strafe_ iO0.down" alias iO0.down "-moveleft; wait; +back; wait; alias iO0.strafe_ iO0.right" alias iO0.right "-back; wait; +moveright; wait; alias iO0.strafe_ iO0.up"
bind "r" "rmb360" alias rmb360 "+attack2;wait;w1;cl_yawspeed 11370;+right;w1;w1;-right;-attack2" alias w1 "wait;wait;wait;wait;wait" clear
bind "SPACE" "+bhop" alias +bhop "alias _special @bhop;@bhop" alias -bhop "alias _special" alias @bhop "special;wait;+jump;wait;-jump"
// speed alias singleStrafe1 "cl_yawspeed -370; wait2; cl_yawspeed 410; wait7; cl_yawspeed 465; wait1" alias singleStrafe2 "cl_yawspeed -330; wait2; cl_yawspeed 400; wait6; cl_yawspeed 450; wait1" alias singleStrafe3 "cl_yawspeed -300; wait2; cl_yawspeed 355; wait6; cl_yawspeed 400; wait1" alias singleStrafe4 "cl_yawspeed -280; wait2; cl_yawspeed 315; wait5; cl_yawspeed 380; wait1" alias singleStrafe5 "cl_yawspeed -365; wait2; cl_yawspeed 285; wait3; cl_yawspeed 340; wait1" alias singleStrafe6 "cl_yawspeed -240; wait2; cl_yawspeed 230; wait2; cl_yawspeed 300; wait1" alias singleStrafe7 "cl_yawspeed -200; wait2; cl_yawspeed 205; wait2;" cl_autowepswitch "1"
// kn1Fe alias +knife1 "knife;wait;w2;w2;+attack" alias -knife1 "-attack;lastinv" alias +knife2 "knife;wait;w2;w2;+attack2" alias -knife2 "-attack2;lastinv"
alias +hhh "alias _special zzz; zzz" alias -hhh "alias _special slot10" alias zzz "+duck;wait;-duck;wait;wait;wait;+duck;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait ;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait ;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;-duck;w40;wait;wait;wait;wait;special"
alias go_slot1 "weapon_mp5navy; weapon_m4a1; weapon_m249; weapon_p90; go_slot1b" alias go_slot1b "weapon_scout; weapon_awp; weapon_g3sg1; weapon_sg550; go_slot1c" alias go_slot1c "weapon_sg552; weapon_aug; weapon_tmp; weapon_mac10; weapon_ak47; go_slot1d" alias go_slot1d "weapon_ump45; weapon_xm1014; weapon_m3; weapon_famas; weapon_galil" alias go_slot2 "weapon_usp; weapon_glock18; weapon_deagle; weapon_p228; weapon_elite; weapon_fiveseven" alias rze_helm "vesthelm; vest" alias rze_nvgs "nvgs; nightvision" alias tg_fn57dual "fn57; elites" alias tg_tmpmac10 "tmp; mac10" alias tg_famgal "famas; galil" alias tg_m4ak "m4a1; ak47" alias tg_augsg "aug; sg552" alias tg_sg550g3 "sg550; g3sg1" alias go_slot1 "weapon_mp5navy; weapon_m4a1; weapon_m249; weapon_p90; go_slot1b" alias go_slot1b "weapon_scout; weapon_awp; weapon_g3sg1; weapon_sg550; go_slot1c" alias go_slot1c "weapon_sg552; weapon_aug; weapon_tmp; weapon_mac10; weapon_ak47; go_slot1d" alias go_slot1d "weapon_ump45; weapon_xm1014; weapon_m3; weapon_famas; weapon_galil" alias go_slot2 "weapon_usp; weapon_glock18; weapon_deagle; weapon_p228; weapon_elite; weapon_fiveseven" alias rze_helm "vesthelm; vest" alias rze_nvgs "nvgs; nightvision" alias tg_fn57dual "fn57; elites" alias tg_tmpmac10 "tmp; mac10" alias tg_famgal "famas; galil" alias tg_m4ak "m4a1; ak47" alias tg_augsg "aug; sg552" alias tg_sg550g3 "sg550; g3sg1" alias change "echo enter;messagemode name" alias "drawtoggle" "draw_off" alias "draw_off" "alias m_pitch r_drawviewmodel 0; alias drawtoggle draw_on" alias "draw_on" "alias m_pitch r_drawviewmodel 1; alias drawtoggle draw_off" alias +knife "weapon_knife; +jump; +duck; +attack2; wait; +attack; -attack" alias -knife "weapon_knife; -jump; -duck; -attack2; -attack"
// Multi-Strafe alias strafe.qA2_4 "+left; +moveleft; wait10; -moveleft; -left; strafe.qA2_right; strafe.qA2_left; +right; +moveright; wait10; -moveright; -right; +duck; wait40; -duck" alias strafe.qA2_left "+left; +moveleft; wait20; -moveleft; -left" alias strafe.qA2_right "+right; +moveright; wait20; -moveright; -right"
alias +dk "+duck;wait;-duck;wait;wait;+duck;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait" alias -dk "-duck" bind "e "ctrl"+dk"
setinfo "_pw" "772" bind "z" "+paint" bind "x" "+grab" bind "c" "+hook" bind l amxmodmenu
play sound/misc/monsterkill
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